Wednesday, April 29, 2009


god is how i know love. i know i am loved by him. that nothing i do changes that eternal truth. i never knew love before his love hugged me tight and never let me go.

i dream.
to be loved by him. and to love him back like there is no tomorrow. for him to feel that love tangibly through my lifesong. for my family to know this love. that one day. we will worship our god together. to love with his heart. to sing. to dance as one family. i'm waiting with hope.


  1. welcome to blog life! (lyeeeeeeeeefe, if your thug like that). :D

    this is OT but have i told u im getting song of songs 2.16 tattooed on mah bodaaayyyy? it shall be splendid. [:

  2. dude u have to do it with me! that's what i want tatooed on my bod too but im so scared haha. let's do it together yea??!!
